Friday, June 15, 2012

1.4 Optimizing your mind power

Your mind is able to generate powerful ideas when you use the problem solving ability of the subconscious mind with both logical and creative sides of the brain.

A healthy brain think better and perform better like well oiled engine. Like we need exersises to keep healthy, the brain also need exersizes.

1. Solve Puzzles and Play Games
Trying to solve a difficult puzzel makes your brain active. Playing computer games for few minutes a day help boost brain’s ability to focus.

2. Eat Brain Food
Some food items help in improve brain power.

3. Meditate
Meditation help develop a better memory a better brain.

4. Positive Imaginations
Think possitive and fill your brain with positive thoughts that would have a good effect on you.

5. Sleep and Wake up Routine
Develop a routine of sleeping. Sleep sound, wake up fresh. Give your brain a rest.

When you are in a good mental condition. When you think of yourself as better, your brain will perform better. How you look at things (perspective) influences your brain performance. If you don't think that you are good enough to do something, your brain also will act same way.

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1. Avoid a big breakfast and big meals which slow you down, and make you feel sleepy.
2. Eat raw fruits and veggies and their juices.
3. Eat fatty fish such as salmon, tuna and sardines.
4. Avoid excessive alcohol that is potential to destroy brain cells.
5. Minimize your sugar consumption.
6. Supplement yourself with multivitamins and antioxidants
7. Eat carbohydrates at night which will help relax your mind before going to sleep.
8. Make sure to supply your body with multi-minerals as calcium and magnesium.
9. Follow an exercise routine which help your blood circulation, stress and performance.
10. Drinking coffee in moderation helps boost brain function and elevates your mood.
11. Green tea is one of the best beverages to boost mental power.
12. Chocolate, YES!
13. Eat blueberries
14. Avoid anger. Be happy.
15. Love in your heart makes your mind blossom.
16. Make sure you sleep enough.

Your hopes and expectations

Your hopes and expectations play a major role in your life as a gardian angle. Your hopes help you motivate and make you feel that something is possible. You think that it's within your reach if you just work hard enough.

Experiential Learning
Progress is progress wheather it's small or big. Learn to appreciate your small achivements. A hundred storied building is build brick by brick. Experiment

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