Saturday, June 16, 2012

1.6 The Creative Thinking for problem solving.

The five-step process to solve problems is used by many of us. 

1. Set a Goal
2. Start Creative Thinking
3. Prioritize Actions
4. Plan and Take Action
5. Evaluation Impact

1. Determine a goal. 
It’s important to have a firm, targeted goal before you go to the next step. You need to reflect back on the goal periodically to make sure what you are after still makes sense.

2. Start creative thinking process
Group together and generate as many new and creative ideas as you can. New solutions and creative ideas come as many alternatives. Take your time and generate as many ideas as you can. When you have more ideas you have a better chance of finding better solution. 

3. Prioritize your ideas.
Become a good critic, work with others come out of list of actions.

4. Plan and take your actions
Success to creative problem solving is to spend a lot more time generating innovative ideas before trying to build a plan around them. 

5. Evaluate your results. 
Remember when some actions fail, don't abandon it. Find what changes could make it happen.

This is a systematic process to generate new ideas suggested by  Tony Schwartz the author of Be Excellent at Anything

1. Saturation: start  reading widely and deeply, and then sorting, evaluating, sinthesizing, outlining, and prioritizing.

2. Incubation: Develop your ideas further, refine it , document it

3. Illumination: The Ah-ha moments. They are spontaneous, intuitive. 

4. Verification: Check your idea with others, systems

Creative Thinking Exercises

"Creative thinking is inclusive thinking. You consider the least obvious as well as the most likely approaches, and you look for different ways to look at the problem. It is the willingness to explore all approaches that is important, even after one has found a promising one."
Michael Michalko

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